Better Pensions By Bryn Davies, Hilary Land, Tony Lynes, Ken MacIntyre and Peter Townsend A Catalyst Working Paper. The UK pensions system is in crisis, with millions of pensioners now living in poverty and todays workers facing an increasingly uncertain future. There is a growing consensus that the government is failing its responsibilities in this area. In this timely and authoritative paper the Better Pensions group of experts originally convened by the late Barbara Castle argue that we can afford decent retirement incomes for all, but that to secure this the state must take a leading role and reverse the current policy of substituting privately funded arrangements for public provision. In pensions, as in health, a modernised system of social insurance is inherently more efficient and equitable than relying on individual initiative and private capital markets. Bryn Davies is a consulting actuary, principally advising trade unions and their members. Hilary Land is Emeritus Professor of Social Policy at Bristol University. Tony Lynes is an adviser on pensions to the National Pensioners Convention. Ken MacIntyre is UK pensions manager for an international company. Peter Townsend is currently Professor of International Social Policy at the LSE.
accused of consigning future pensioners to poverty" - "Thinktank urges pension reform" - The Guardian, 16 July 2003 Also available: "The Challenge of Longer Life - Economic Burden or Social Opportunity?" "From Security to Risk - Pension privatisation and gender inequality"
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